Student Credit & Financial Literacy Program

Most teens entering adulthood lack a solid understanding of how debt problems affect their long-term goals. In order to achieve personal financial stability, students must first learn to be more financially responsible. Learning money management at an early age, can help many young people avoid costly mistakes that would set them back as they plan for their futures. Our goal is to make financial literacy part of their everyday curriculum, through educating them on how to take control of their money, develop sound financial planning skills and personal goal strategies, utilize self-accountability concepts to help reduce their debt and increase their financial freedom. Our mission is to distribute credit and financial

literacy education to (grades 6-12), with a focus on urban, low-wealth communities. This program will help young people in all communities understand the fundamentals for maintaining good credit, with the proper debt management strategies and the basic principles for money management before they enter the adult world. This six week (6.5 hour) course is designed to be flexible in meeting the needs of each school or organization. Get in touch for scheduling and details.

Schedule a Consultation

4 + 3 =

P.O. Box 14850, Detroit, MI 48214

+1 866-230-1098